I can't believe this year is almost gone. I think I say that every year though. LOL. And as usual...I don't feel like I've accomplished much. We've had some MAJOR family chaos...but then--who hasn't?! I think I'll skip on making an itemized resolution list. Not even going to waste my time. This year I think I'll make it simple.
Just do it.
I'm tired of feeling crappy all of the time. My weight is at it's highest. My youngest is tall for his age but is starting to look pudgy. The last thing I want to do is screw up his eating habits. So my weight resolution is simple...do something healthy everyday. I need to get better about making a grocery list and sticking to it. I won't take hubby or kids with me. I need to try to cook healthier meals more often and add a daily effort for some type of exercise.
Writing...everyday effort. I'm working today and tomorrow to catch up on crits before the end of the year. It'll help when we go back to the cabin if I get in a routine. Hubby gets up at 5 am and is out the door by 6 am. I can have coffee and breakfast with him before little man wakes up. I can write until he gets up and around. It'll be difficult to blog and network without internet, but the campsite is looking into wireless. I told George (the head camp dude) if he could get us internet service that I'd be a very happy camper. That'll also help with little man's homeschooling.
Something everyday.
James Review -Deadpool (2016) w. Deadpool
16 hours ago