Sorry. Had to let off a little steam. I think this sucknopsis will be the death of me. Ya know, I've done several and they never seem to get any easier. Guess I'll try another method. I think I'll pull up my last synopsis and keep it open beside the one I'm working on. I've got a few examples from workshops and links from helpful authors, maybe I'll go through a few of those before I work on mine further. My hero is doing all the talking and it's like my heroine is playing the quiet game or something. *sigh* The ms is an old one and I've been tweaking it to add depth to a couple of my secondary characters.
Something else I didn't do with this ms was to pick out character photos to help myself envision the scenes. Maybe I need to find a couple of pictures...
Dagnabit. Stop procrastinating and get back to work. Love you guys and all, but I need to get back to work! We're headed home on Thursday and I have a ton to do before then. Hope you all are having a warm and productive week so far?!
James Review -Deadpool (2016) w. Deadpool
17 hours ago