My writer friend, Nadia Lee, has tagged me to list "six unspectacular quirks about myself".
Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. List 6 unspectacular quirks you have. Tag 6 bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each person’s blog to let them know they’ve been tagged. Here are my quirks:
1) I hate using premade/store bought sauces to use in my meals. The boys and hubby know the difference and usually won't eat. Since I'm a foodie, I've probably spoiled them. Not that I make fancy meals or anything. They're just used to home cooked meals.
2) I'm a FoodNetwork addict. I LOVE watching Ace of Cakes and would kill to be able to make cakes the way they do. Maybe one of these days when I have a real kitchen...I might even try something cool for the little man's 6th birthday coming up.
3) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching shows that detail or show actual medical procedures. I had to take cadaver anatomy in college for my Occupational Therapy degree and was one of only a few that could go directly to lunch after class and discuss the procedures we were working on while eating.
4) I have to agree with Jennifer here...I can't write if my house is a mess. It doesn't have to be "clean", but it can't be a mess.
5) And here...I would rather clean the toilet than iron clothes. And I married a man that has to have his jeans and dress shirts starched. I'd rather miss going out to eat and splurge on drycleaners before I stand and iron something.
6) I can't sleep unless I have a fan on. Don't care if it's a ceiling fan or a floor fan. Gotta have that air on my face for some reason, even in the winter.
I won't tag anyone, but please play along if you have a spare moment!
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