Monday, June 14, 2010

The Next Step

One foot in front of the other. Unless you're like me and often tangle the feet and trip. Well...I did it, guys. Even though I was sure I'd bombed with my rambling explanation when the editor asked "The Question".

"What is your book about?"

Que the crickets...

"Ummmm...well, you see, there's this guy..."

*sigh* I didn't totally suck though, the kind hearted gentleman took pity on my poor self and requested a proposal for all four books in my series. Done. I sent that in last week. Now the waiting game. He'd asked for a change in the subplot so we'll see if it's acceptable or not when...if he responds to my email. LOL. The next step will be a two page synopsis for the first book. My current synopsis is five pages so I'm working on shaving it down and revising the subplot.

But this entire situation brings about a question. What is the next step? I've been writing seriously toward publication for almost three years now. I've had several obstacles between trying to find time to write and health issues, to becoming frustrated and backing off from writing until I couldn't ignore the voices. I'm confident enough to believe I've improved and reached another level in my journey, but not arrogant enough to ignore the fact that there are so many more talented authors out there than me. I know I still have so much more to learn and improve on.

What is the next step? Is it time to start working on my multi-tasking skills and building a marketing platform? I'd love to stick my head in a hole and concentrate on revising and just hanging out with my characters.

When and how do you start building your marketing?


Chicki Brown said...

You must've done okay if he requested something on the entire series!

I think you start thinking about your marketing plan as soon as you start writing the book. Just make notes and file them somewhere on your computer so you can pull them up later.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

That's great that he requested your entire series! You've taken a difficult step and made it through. Good job.

Well, building a platform can start right away (even beginning writers should be doing some of this). You're doing that with your blog but if you want to expand on that, you can work on getting more followers, joining other social networking sites and getting out there so people know who you are. This will all lend toward easier and better marketing when the time comes.

Let us know if you hear back about your stories!

Chelle Sandell said...

Thanks, Chicki and Cindy! I think I started thinking about marketing it when I thought of it as a series and how they could all tie into each other. Hopefully the editor likes it!

prashant said...

That's great that he requested your entire series!
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Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Oh wow... That's an awesome request!.
Good luck!

PS:Thanks for visiting and following my blog.


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog :O)

R.M.Gilbert said...

Wow, wow, wow. Congrats Chelle, this is wonderful news. OMG. 4 books.

Okay, well no marketing advice from me, but I wish you all the luck.