Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's almost time...

Aw, man...have you guys looked at the date lately? It's almost time to make those pesky resolutions. How did you do with last years goals? Any carryovers from last year? Mine are basically the same every year. Work on my relationships, health, wealth, and writing. So I guess my resolutions can be considered re-inspirations. ;) Ya think? I think I'll do good just to write 2011 instead of '10 on my correspondence. Ha.

As much as I love the holidays...I will be relieved to escape some of this chaos. Yeah, I know. That's funny coming from me. Chaos reigns in our household. Now it's time for me to focus on the cupcake website and the restaurant. I had the website shopping cart fixed and halfway redesigned and was told I needed to upgrade the module. Yep. It erased everything I'd put back in. *sigh* As for the restaurant we've decided on a location, I just have to iron out the business plan and start-up costs. My cowboy has promised to help me get the house back in order this weekend. I thought the week of Christmas was stressful, but this week we've got several doctor appointments and yesterday I had a meeting that lasted until it was dark outside.

As usual, one of my resolutions is to focus more on my writing. My goal for last year was to become published. I'm a little closer because I am working with an editor on a four book series and he's waiting on my revisions. I'm also working on two short stories for e-publishers. So a little progress anyways.

I ran across a post at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood that I thought might interest some of you. They are having a Winter Writing Festival beginning January 10, 2011. One of my crit partners and I will be there for motivation. We hope to see you guys there!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Chaos

Good Monday morning, my peeps! Hope all is well in your world? Today marks 10 days of chaos in our household. Hubby was more than happy to skip off to work this morning. The weather is cooperating and he escapes our kid and holiday chaos for 10 hours. We have my nephews for the Christmas break and this week is the Christmas countdown. Next week signals the New Year countdown.

Have you finished your shopping and wrapping? It'll be another tight year for us but we were very fortunate to get the kids what they asked for. The lucky part is they are good kids and understand that quality matters over quantity. They really didn't ask for much. Although what they asked for was least it wasn't a long list. Hubby and I got away Friday evening and enjoyed a quiet, relaxing dinner together before we hit the shopping madness. It really wasn't as bad as what we had geared ourselves up for though. We only encountered one angry mob at the video game store and tried to skirt the troublemakers. Our goal was to smile and spread good cheer. Most people agreed. The highlight of our evening - we hadn't realized how late it was (1 am) when we hit Walmart. The funny part...we ran into friends and stood chatting when we looked at the time. Saturday we wrapped almost everything until we ran out of clothing boxes.

On the professional front...I received a call from the governor's office last week. And I was officially sworn in to the Oklahoma Judicial Nominating Commission. The commission is responsible for screening judicial candidates for vacancies on state courts. So this new adventure will definitely be interesting. And I'm still plugging away with my writing, just not as successful as I'd like. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels but getting nothing accomplished. The cupcake business is doing well and keeping me busy. I can't believe I'm hoping things slow down after the holidays. LOL.

Wishing you all are productive in all aspects of your life and healthy!! Hopefully this week I will have multi-talented author and cover artist Elaina Lee talking with us about her exciting new adventures!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hello world!!

It's been a long time! I hope all is well with all of you! Nothing but normal in our chaotic life. My health has been back and forth but I'm scooting around now, always behind in schedule of course. :D Especially this time of year with the holidays rapidly approaching.

Congrats to all of you with new releases and good luck with sales. May you be richly blessed!! I haven't been as dedicated as I'd like to be. As usual I'll make my resolutions to become focused after the holidays slip by.

This year has been a roller coaster ride for sure in the publishing world. WOW! Several of my crit partners have taken the leap to pub through Amazon/Kindle and have made the jump a little less scary if I decide to go that route eventually. I'm still working on requested mss and have had several requests through e-pubs for short stories. I just wish I had the focus to sit down and actually write. It really chaps my hide that I have so much opportunity and can't seem to motivate myself. Bad girl. Bad girl!!

Hopefully I can keep in touch a little more and hope to bring you news and interviews for new releases. In the meantime...walk with faith in yourselves, my sweet friends!! Be productive and prosper!!