I've been a really baaaad girl. Or should I say...bad writer. I've had so many things going on lately that when I opened my file to work on a chapter, I shut down. Literally. One time, I kept nodding off. It was as if my characters were talking in a monotonous monologue. Just droning on in the same low key without changing pitch. Another time it was like my Hero was pouting and refused to speak to me. Ugh!
I know we've had alot going on...the Suburban broke. So we compromised and got a new one. LOL. Easy enough. Then my 4 yo had an accident and I've been super paranoid with watching over him. The little Boston Terrier we have ran full force into his legs from behind and knocked him flat on his back. He had the breath knocked out of him but he kept holding his back. I ran to his side because I didn't see what happened so of course I was freaking out trying to get him calm and breathing again...but his eyes rolled back and he fell face first onto the concrete floor. When I tried to pick him up, while screaming at the top of my lungs for my mom, he stood and when I tried to pick him up and he straightened, jerking as if having a seizure. The only way for me to reach my hubby was by the Red Cross. But the baby calmed down and started breathing and was able to look at me without confusion. We thought it was either a concussion or seizure but the Dr. is sure it was just that the baby got scared when he had the breath knocked out of him. Anyway...no bumps, bruises or dents. No spinal cord trauma or concussion. He's back to his cute little sneaky self.
Ok, focus. What motivation? Well...I got my RWR magazine in the mail from RWA today and my eyes immediately found an article meant just for me. Actually it was a feature by six New York Times best-selling authors. It was titled...Surviving Your Career. Very interesting but the section I'm reminded about for today's blog was by Lisa Kleypas ~ How to Stay Motivated by More than Dollars. One of the key points she talks about is our roles as women. Regardless of what our responsibilities are, she emphasizes how we push ourselves a little too far at times. As writers we need motivation...a muse...whatever. As women we need nourishment. Not necessarily from good or healthy food. LOL, both if you like healthy food, I guess it can be good, too. But we need to take a time out for ourselves. Our sanity. A bubble bath with candles...can't say a quiet one because I tend to hear screaming kids behind the door. Or sneaking away for a movie. Finding quiet time to read a good book. But what I came away with was she talks about feeding our inspiration.
Sometimes it can get pretty difficult...I can attest to that. But I think we can be better writers if we can sneak away every once in awhile. Doesn't have to be necessarily running away from home...but maybe after the family is in bed. Or before the household wakes to our chaotic reality. But try to feed your inspiration. Even if it's a good read in between errands or activities.
I will conquer my chapter. I can do it. I am woman, hear me roar. (Even if it's a really loud burp from the greasy taco I had at lunch.) I guess it's time for my Hero to get a little nookie so he'll quit pouting.
February Reading Wrap Up
4 days ago
I hear you, woman. Roooaaar. Hang in there, Chelle. The muse comes and goes and we're totally helpless. I'm just getting out of a big hole and starting to get my mojo back. Have a foot massage...do your nails...anything to let the juices flowing again.
Hubby knows my stress level with him being gone so he insists on me getting nails done...I think it's cause he likes the back-scratching when he's home. LOL! But it is an hour every other week I get to pamper myself without kids wanting, fighting or phones ringing. Plus it's adult conversation...she usually has funny customer stories to tell. But man...I miss my bath-tub!!!
Wonderful Blog today! I'm relieve your son is doing okay. I would have panicked too. My motivation has been in the cellar for weeks but I'm plodding along. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Thank you Angela! This was my first RWA issue of their magazine and I was really excited when I read the article because it focused on an issue I've been struggling with lately. I know we've all been dealing with it in some form so I hope it motivates yous guys as much as it has me. It's hard to separate our time out from the responsibilities we have so I challenge everyone to make it a priority. Even if it's 15 minutes here and there...it'll add up.
Wow. That incident with your son would have freaked me out. Thank God he's OK!
Yeah, motivation is HARD. It's not like you don't want to, but life keeps getting in the way. LOL!
I can't even roar. I let out a "meow". I need to get my butt in gear.
Great blog! Yes, we women tend to always put ourselves last, and we have to stop it.
My situation is different from most of my writing friends. I'm at home with no kids, but that also has it's drawbacks. When I need to recharge I have to go OUT -- outside of my house, my neighborhood. A change of scenery always works wonders for me. Sometimes I just go sit in the food court at the mall and people watch or drive to the lake and stare at the water. Whatever works for you, do it!
Right now I've entered the middle of my story, and I'm really paranoid about it sagging. Something exciting needs to happen, only I have no idea what it will be...
I agree about different methods! Everyone's working situation may be different and even methods will vary. Sometimes you need to shake things up and move locations and scenery...music...whatever works. I was listening to a CD while taking boys to school this morning and a scene popped into my mind as I listened to the lyrics.
Thank God your son is okay!
Never feel badly that you take time away from writing to live. It's a balancing act to be sure, and the pendumlum swings both ways. Just don't allow yourself to get weighed down on either side so that all momentum stops. If life things are settling down, time to get back to writing things--before the pendulum swings back again!
Thank you! I admit I barely slept Sunday night and hubby called about 2:30 am while he was at work to check on him as well. I still have a little niggle of doubt about whether or not it was something worse...
I love the way you put that about the swinging pendulum. You are so right because there are days when I just rock and others when sink!
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